Wiki- Feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed conversion rate, or feed conversion efficiency (FCE), is a measure of an animals efficiency in converting feed mass into increased the desired output; for dairy cows the output is milk, while for beef cows, pigs, chickens, and fish, the output is the mass gained by the animal. It is a function of the animal's genetics and age, the quality of the feed, and the conditions in which the animal is kept
To calculate the FCR you need to have 2 figures:
The total weight of birds at thinning and at depletion this should not be confused with the average weight. This is normally supplied by the salughterhouse in Kilograms.
The total amount of Feed consumed (in Kg). Most of us run well into the tonnes, If you have used 500 tonnes enter it as 5000. If you are doing it per house you will need the total amount of food consumed by that house.